Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sabagebu! 02

Fantastically funny with an unusual twist, Sabagebu! kicks up the humor a notch and proves itself a formidable contender for best comedy anime of the season.Let's face it - Sonokawa Mokarin Momoka is carrying this show on her back like a boss. Incredibly sadistic, unmerciful, and selfish, she is fantastic to watch. If anime had more characters as quirky as this, I would be very entertained, to say the least.

In this episode alone she has:
1. punched someone in the face (Watch out, Touma! Your title's going to be stolen!).
2. slapped people with sushi rolls.
3. tortured someone with natto.
4. shot someone who surrendered.
5. shot someone after agreeing to a draw. 

Things are certainly heating up. Only two episodes in, it's obvious that this show is nothing like C³-bu, in almost every possible way. Because this show is funny.

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