Monday, July 14, 2014

Akame ga Kill! 01

Dark and gritty, yet funny and comedic, Akame ga Kill! is the shounen anime to watch this season.

It's finally here! As a long-time reader of the manga, I've been eagerly awaiting ever since they announced an Akame ga Kill! adaption, and it did not disappoint. There's a lot of things to look out for here.

First is the story. It's dark. It doesn't shy away from death or other nasty evils. There is no nakama (a staple of any long-running shounen), no adventurous tale of friendship on a journey. Instead, our MC get separated from his childhood village friends, and only meets them later, when they've been tortured to death (and they aren't coming back, I'm afraid).

Well, that's certainly different. But different is good. How many naruto/bleach/one-piece clones are there? How many generic harem shows can one suffer through? Different can be very good.

There's also the music. Iwasaki Taku is one of my favorite anime soundtrack composers, perhaps best known for doing the Gurren Lagann soundtrack, although he has a pretty extensive resume. Another pleasant surprise was the ED, though I don't recognize the singer.

Impressively enough, the voice actor for Akame, Amamiya Sora, also voices Asseylum in Aldnoah Zero and Touka in Tokyo Ghoul. For someone who only started a year or two, that's very impressive. She's either very talented, very lucky, or very well-connected.

The Good
- Dark, gritty
- Decent action/fights
- Some comedy
- Solid music

The Bad
- Nothing so far!

This is definitely near the top of my shows to watch this season.

Best Girl (Since Chelsea hasn't been introduced yet)
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothes...
Another Best Girl picture
Oh my...

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