Thursday, July 17, 2014

Locodol 01

Refreshing, easy-going and relaxing, Locodol is the slice-of-life of the season.
I have no complaints. My soul feels cleansed, my mind calm. No angst, no death, and no sickly girls dying of cancer or coerced into contracts with filthy white rats. This is how a slice-of-life should be.

If that's not enough, we have a cast of genuinely nice people. Despite being clumsy and awkward, Nana has a strong sense of responsibility and likes entertaining other people. Yukarin is kind to others (and rather good at playing the piano). Even Nana's Uncle is looking after his niece ... in his own way, ulterior motives aside. There are no evil, conniving villains or manipulative scumbags.

This is a show to watch.

The Good
- Relaxing and refreshing
- Friendly, nice cast

The Bad
"Bad" is not applicable in slice-of-life.

Nice boat pool.
I'm weeping in happiness.
She even wears glasses!

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