Friday, July 11, 2014

Sabagebu! 01

Fun, fast-paced and quirky, Sabagebu! is somewhat humorous.

Although it doesn't look like it'll shape up to be a time-old classic, Sabagebu! is decently funny. Despite the hit-or-miss nature of the humor, it is worth a watch, in my opinion. The main character is fantastic too - incredibly shallow, yet at the same time, somewhat likable - not a character you see often in anime of late. All in all, it looks much like a humorous version of C³-bu.

The Good
- Breaks the Fourth Wall
- Likable, unusual MC

The Bad
- Hit-or-miss Comedy
- Generic Cast (Club Members)

Ugly Duckling makes a cameo?
Is that Mao from Kimikiss?
Where's Waldo?

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