Welcome to the Matrix. |
Bullet time maids, creepy omniscient eyes, and bad-ass protagonist, this show has them all.
Another creepy eye... |
Elbia's fight with the JSDF soldiers was a welcome piece of action - I wish we'd have seen more of that throughout the show, it's a bit of the pity.
Surprise! |
The best part was Myuseru's tearful confession, the honesty shone through. Bluk finally got a role! Ironically both Myuseru and Elbia could probably smash through the brick wall quite easily too.
Clannad moment. |
Matoba's true colors also came out - he's a self-serving man looking out for his own interests and ready to jump ship to save his hide, whether it's bullshitting his way out of trouble in Petrarca's court or omitting things to his superior. You could say he's another winner this episode, sacrificing his political career for two cute maids - definitely worth it in my book.
Dat smirk. |
This ending was perhaps somewhat unrealistic and a bit of a let-down, but it certainly exceeded expectations for a harem show, with a bad-ass protagonist. Having an "All your base are belong to us" shirt doesn't hurt either.
Best shirt. |
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