Sunday, December 15, 2013

Outbreak Company 11

"It's like he's possessed."
 This was an incredible episode ... the true nature of Outbreak Company revealed at last, with its fluffy, moe fanservice discarded. Matoba-san ... is truly worse one of the greatest villains of anime, perhaps worse than the likes of Kyubey, Monokuma, or any great name.

What's the name of the game?


Sometimes you hear of "culture victories" in strategy games - the alternative option for those who don't want to win through means other than sheer military prowess or economic might. But those usually consist of building monuments or space-ships, something that sounds rather silly.

Never do we think of the real path this kind of "victory" takes ... cultural genocide. The breakdown of major institutions, imposing "culture" onto an unsuspecting society. It's easy to think of this as the lesser evil - there's less bloodshed, it's entirely voluntary, isn't it? They choose to embrace the culture.

Dealer of Death.
It's nothing like going to war and bombing them into submission, nor is it like dumping opium - an addictive, dangerous and uncontrollable substance. But a famous communist once said "Religion is the opium of the people". And the parallels in Outbreak Company are chilling.

What Matoba and the government has done is really no different, to be honest. And Matoba freely admits it.

Now Shinichi's stuck between a rock and a hard place.
The truth shall set you free.
On the one hand, he can keep following orders. But now he's in the know - and that makes him an accomplice, one plagued with a guilty conscience.
The other option isn't a very good choice either. Matoba has hinted at the danger he will face if he tries to quit.

And how does Shinichi respond? He completely flips off Matoba and throws in his lot with Petrarca and Eldant, challenging Matoba right in front of Petrarca.

And Matoba is beyond pissed.
"It was like the eye of a huge cat, wreathed with flame,
filled with hate, and ringed in darkness.""
I'll admit - I did not see this coming. And it was brilliant.

Huge props to Shinichi for taking such a decisive, risky move. He may lose his citizenship, his home, or maybe even the ability to return to Earth freely. He's essentially a traitor to his own nation, and he's fine with it. As the saying goes, YOLO.

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